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Champagnat in the Pacific: 20 Educators Gather for Transformative Retreat in Auckland

The annual Champagnat in the Pacific staff formation program concluded last week in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Approximately 20 participants from various schools attended the three-day retreat, held in the picturesque Vaughan Park, Long Bay, on Auckland’s North Shore. Daniel Dungey, Partnership Coordinator for New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, and Kiribati, writes more about the retreat.

Vaughan Park, Long Bay on Auckland’s North Shore once again provided the ideal location for the 2024 version of our annual Champagnat in the Pacific staff formation program. About 20 participants, from 11 of our 12 schools, came together for a three-day retreat, exploring the spirituality and pedagogy of Marist Education in the Tradition of Marcellin Champagnat.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Brothers Barry Burns and Bryan Stanaway for their invaluable support during the program. Their exceptional facilitation and pastoral skills greatly enhanced our experience as they led and supported various workshops.

Br Alan Henley - founding Principal of Campion College (Est. 1974) with current staff members Alphonsa & Tamin.

The leisurely pace ensured that this was not a conference, and time was allowed for participants to embrace the ‘head to heart’ journey and to capture our Champagnat Marist Way to Jesus.

Programs like this cannot take place without support and this year we were very fortunate to have outstanding workshop presenters in Dean Wearmouth (Marist Education), Br Peter Horide (Realities, Challenges and Calls for Us Today) and James Cullen (Ministry Implications).

A highlight, noted by our participants, was the ‘Fireside Chat’, which Brothers Barry, Bryan and Kevin King contributed to superbly with an abundance of humility and authenticity in their responses around mission and life. For many participants this was the first time they had met a Marist Brother! All three of our Brothers expressed that to build authentic faith communities we must ‘walk the talk’ by being ‘witnesses before teachers.’

Br Humphrey O’Connor alongside Tamin & Alphonsa from Campion College, Gisborne.

It was a special blessing to have Fr Frank Bird SM led our community Mass as we approached the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, along with a wonderful celebration of life around the table that followed. The presence of a large group of Auckland based Brothers was warmly felt by all participants.

Many thanks to Brothers Peter Horide, Humphrey O’Connor, Sam Eathorne, Bill Lawley, Alan Henley, Colin Divane and our local Champagnat Marist, Terry Horne, for joining us at this time. With Golden Jubilees this year at St Peter’s College, Palmerston North (founding Principal Br Henry Spinks, RIP) and Campion College, Gisborne (founding Principal, Br Alan Henley) the doors are well and truly open for reconnection.

Dan Dungey and Monica Holt - Director of Catholic Character, St John’s College, Hamilton.

The feedback from participants, both formal and informal, was overwhelmingly positive, reinforcing for the organising team the importance of looking beyond our current offerings. It is essential that we continue to provide heart-centered programs along with ongoing guidance and support.

A few comments from various participants are captured below:

• A truly rewarding and spiritual experience. Highly recommended for all!

• At the start I was very apprehensive and unsure. After being welcomed and in your presence, I look back and now know I have nothing to fear.

• Transformative, growing closer to Christ through Mary and feel energised to take this to my school community with clear actions.

• Empowering, lighting a flame, igniting a desire to learn more.

• Deeply touched to know about Marcellin’s view on learning and teaching as well as Mary’s choice of discomfort zone.

• Fulfilling and healing.

The beautiful venue.

The journey now continues beyond Long Bay as we collectively look at new ways to keep our Founder's dream alive, not only in our ministries but also in our personal lives. The invitation to bring together participants from previous years Champagnat in the Pacific courses from within each ministry setting may see the Holy Spirit guide groups as they discern ‘what happens next?’

Written by Daniel Dungey

Pic credit: Daniel Dungey

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