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Champagnat Marists from Aotearoa New Zealand successfully complete their inaugural pilgrimage to Rome and L'Hermitage

Updated: 6 days ago

The inaugural pilgrimage of the Champagnat Marists of Aotearoa New Zealand to Rome, Lyon, and L'Hermitage from 2 to 10 September 2024, was successfully completed. The 16-member group was capably and enthusiastically led Br Barry Burns (Group Leader), Fr John Craddock SM (Chaplain), and Dan Dungey (Coordinator).

Dan Dungey writes more about this profound and beautiful experience.

Our nine-day experience invited participants to take a journey of the heart to the sources of our founding Marist story. The journey began in Rome visiting our Marist Brothers General House where Br Ernesto Sanchez Barba, our Superior General, took time out of his plenary meetings to greet and address us. Although missing out on a Papal Audience with Pope Francis in St Peter’s Square, spirits were lifted by visiting our St Marcellin Champagnat statue. Br Barry had laid the foundations leading up to this visitation which had a major impact on our pilgrims when capturing their reflections.

At Marlhes.

In Lyon we encountered origins of the of the Marist Project at Fourviere and experienced the spiritual connection of being in places significant to the life works of St Marcellin at L’Hermitage and surrounding areas. A special ‘Kawe Mate’ took place upon our arrival at L’Hermitage where we honoured and acknowledged the spirits of the early Marists who came to Aotearoa on mission and died there.

A piece of a Kauri tree from the area where the early brothers landed in far north of Aotearoa, was taken and place in the main chapel by the reliquary of St Marcellin as a symbol of this significant connection. Setting out in 1836 with Bishop Pompallier were:

• Fathers: Servant, Bataillon, Bret and Peter Chanel

• Brothers: Marie Nizier, Michel Colomban and Joseph Zavier

Fr John.

Added bonuses upon our arrival in France included the accompaniment of Br Dem from the L’Hermitage community throughout our time at ‘the cradle’ sharing his wisdom, insights and genuine care for our group. Another gem awaited courtesy of Fr John’s close friendship with Bishop Jean-Yves Riocreux who co-celebrated our masses at Marlhes and Le Puy. Bishop Jean-Yves was previously administrator of Notre Dame de Paris, Bishop of Pontoise and then Guadeloupe. The strong link with our group was made as Bishop Jean-Yves was responsible for negotiating with the French authorities for the exhumation and repatriation of Bishop Pompallier's remains.

Pilgrims at the LaValla table.

The seeds of this pilgrimage were an original response from bringing our Champagnat Marist Auckland Proprietor Boards Appointees together in 2023. As the net was cast further afield, we ended up with representation from Auckland, Napier, Christchurch, Greymouth and Invercargill. The richness of this mixed group was the range of people across our Champagnat Marist Whanau (family), and the diversity was seen as a real strength and something to replicate for future pilgrimages.

A hope would be to offer this pilgrimage to our school leaders (Principals & DRS), along with our wider Champagnat Marist Whanau, at a similar time in 2025 & 2026. A Hikoi (a communal walk) to Hokianga for our Special Character staff leaders is also in the planning stages for mid-March next year and another hope would be to offer this to all Champagnat Marists in the near future.

At Fourvière.

Many thanks to Brs Peter Carroll and Peter Horide for supporting this new initiative, Br David McDonald in preparing the Kawe Mate along with our mass and liturgy resources and Br Bill Lawley for his tireless work in delivering our printing request which in turn has become important keepsakes for the group.

Special thanks to Br David McDonald and our Onehunga Community for hosting two of our overnight planning meetings with the core team leading up to this pilgrimage - it was at this time that we embraced community life and the importance of the new La Valla table. Support comes in many different forms, and it is with deep gratitude that we would like to thank the many prayers and encouraging messages received from our Marist Bothers and wider Champagnat Marist whanau throughout this journey. As we are all aware, the pilgrimage is only just beginning!

On the L'Hermitage grounds.

To work alongside two passionate Marist men in Br Barry Burns and Fr John Craddock in delivering an authentic pilgrimage of the heart was a true joy. Our group acknowledged that we were all the beneficiaries of their wonderful knowledge, input, and many pearls of wisdom captured and shared by our two ‘Pilgrimage Extraordinaires’. Extended thanks to both Br Barry & Fr John’s communities for sharing these inspiring men and their gifts with us.

The final evening.

Br Ernesto encourages us to build a new L’Hermitage for today and we have a mighty foundation to build upon. As we now look beyond to the revisioning of our Marist dream here in Aotearoa New Zealand let us be mindful of the ongoing need for co-responsibility so we can continue to dream new dreams for the benefit of God’s mission as companions on this journey.

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

With your basket and my basket, the people will live.

Written by Dan Dungey

Pic courtesy - Dan Dungey


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